Mar 31, 2014

Submission, Sex & Silence Pt. 2

In my last entry, I discussed Submission, Sex & Silence as being the 3 keys to a successful relationship. This is Pt. 2 on this subject. Khrystle Nichole gave some very good responses, so I'm going to post them here.
I think men and women have taken the term "submissive" out of context. You don't have to be argumentative. Men, nor women should be combative. It's called having a conversation, which people have a hard time doing. No man or woman is always correct, and it's really about knowing how to choose your battles, men and women alike.

Submission is mutual, which is what most men forget. It's easy for a man to scream submission to his lady, but there will come a time where he has to submit to her, and then what? Some men will never tell you that side of submission. Choose your battles, is it that serious? It takes a lot for submission to happen because you're entrusting yourself to another person's care, with no guarantee they will look out for your best interest.

Oh, and as far as the sex goes, why is the woman always the blame for a lackluster sex life? Trust me, there are a lot of men out here who REALLY don't know the art of great sex!!!
It's not all about her riding him like a surfboard. You can't go surfing if there aren't any waves.

There is truth to this. The men preaching about sex, are some of the same ones who don't know what they're doing. When your relationship is right, everything.....submission, sex and silence falls into place!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.