Sep 4, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

Another confused woman. She's wondering why her man hasn't left his wife and committed exclusive to her. Newsflash: Just because a man cheats on his wife, doesn't mean he's going to leave her. Matter of fact, most cheating men don't leave their wives because many cheaters are very conniving so their mates won't find out. What's all this love craziness she's talking? He doesn't love her. What he's doing to his wife, he will do to her. That's called the law of reciprocity. I will never understand why some people can't find their own (wo)man. Why you have to take what belongs to someone else? I'll tell you why, because most people aren't confident enough to pull an unattached person. Going further, she really didn't "take" him from his wife, he voluntarily agreed to cheat with this hussy. I'm getting tired of these cheaters; if he's not happy with his wife, LEAVE! He's making himself look like a coward by going behind his woman's back with this other woman.
"I love him, but I'm too old for this stuff" She thinks I fell off the turnip truck, because I'm not buying this garbage. She doesn't love him, and he doesn't love her. She's not too old to mess around with a married man, but all of a sudden she's "too old for the games". When you're on the receiving end of someone's deceit, it's not so fun. Strawberry letters like this are why people need to be very careful who they cheat with. All cheaters start off showing you love, then once time goes on, some of them ween themselves away and start trying to make things right with their spouse. The problem is that once infidelity has happened, trust is hard to regain. In many cases, trust can never be restored. Obviously, he must not love this woman too much if he's still keeping in touch with his wife. She knows what to do, walk away and never look back. There might be a small chance of reconcilation between this man and his soon-to-be ex-wife.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.