Jul 2, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Pregnant By My Best Friend

This letter is about two best friends who grew up together. They did everything together from going to the same schools to sexing. The issue is he's become distant since she let him hit. Should she be surprised? Not really, because even though they're close, once some men get what they want sexually from their lady friend, some men want nothing to do with her. You have a few decent fellas who will stay in her life for two reasons: 1. They appreciate the "friends with benefits" relationship, and 2. They want to see if there's anything more between them. How I know there's more between them is she gets in her feelings when he dates. Why would she be furious that he's going with other woman? Because she gave him the cookie, and now she's in her feelings. He's no better because he's livid when she dates as well. I'm just saying it's a dead giveaway they have feelings for each other because they can't stand seeing each other with other people, especially since they sexed. She better go ahead and tell him because it's not like she'll be able to hide the baby bump much longer; at some point, he will notice. The only potential issue is he could assume any one of the other guys is the father since she's dated around, but that can't be true since according to this letter, she and him had sex so by default, he's the only one she's been with sexually. I just think she should tell him and get it over with, because the longer she tries to hide, the worse it's going to be for her when the baby arrives.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.