Jan 25, 2022

What's Love Got To Do With It?



A couple of years ago, I awoke on my birthday to find my husband had not come home. This had become a regular occurrence; the sun would beat him home from the night before and I would endure his lies about where he had been. This day his actions were especially heinous, and I felt the pain in my soul. 

A couple of nights later, he refuses to come home after work yet again. I reached out to God in my misery through prayer and was immediately greeted by an uncomfortable feeling. Something was wrong. My husband would not come home alive. I jumped in my car and drove to his favorite bar. I found him in the crowd and asked him to follow me outside. 

I’ve never seen him look so angry before. Outside of the pub, I begged him to get in the car and come home. He refused and began to berate me. He didn’t love me, didn’t want to be with me, I was pathetic, and no one liked me. 

I stood my ground and asked him to come with me. 

He continued, saying some of the cruelest things I’ve ever heard. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I wouldn’t be moved. He had to come now. I just knew it. 

Eventually, he gave in. We drove home in silence. As I pulled into our driveway, I felt overwhelmed by a spirit of joy and peace. I cried and smiled; I told him that I was happy he came home. He went to bed angry and went out again the next night. I left him alone. 

I cannot prove it, but I know what I did saved his life. I thank God for His mercy on my husband, even though his infidelities continued. That man has only brought me pain ever since, but my daughters still have a father, and his soul can still be saved. 

Love endures all things. It bears all things. It does not fail. Love sent Christ to the cross, in fact Love itself was nailed to the cross. It is sacrifice, it is long suffering, it leaves nail marks in your hands.

It is Love that wouldn’t wish my cancer upon him; it is Love that still wants my husband whole, healthy, and redeemed while I live my every day in solitude and pain. It is because of Love that I cannot be made to feel foolish for my years of forgiveness, even though I never felt loved or appreciated in return. 

It is the example of Christ. 

I speak to my husband every day, applauding his successes at work. I pray for him earnestly. I helped repair his relationship with our daughters. I ask if he has food in his apartment and often remind him that he still has my friendship. I desire his happiness and peace. I’d gladly give my life for him. 

This was not always so. I’ve fought for my spiritual growth through tears every single cancerous day of the last year of my life. This maturity is the result of God’s mercy as He preserves my life, and the suffering that I now recognize is my reasonable service. May He receive all glory. 

I am just grateful that I know Love. “For he that does not know love does not know God; for God is love” (1 John 4:8)." Tamarah Davis 

What Sayeth thou.." 

Is this love or stupidity? From a Biblical standpoint, she's showing the love of Christ because how many times do we abuse God and he loves us unconditionally? Too many. If God was human like us, he would've done away with us long ago because he wouldn't put up with our mess, and he shouldn't. She's better than me because the first sign of disrespect & abuse (verbal or physical), she's gone. My peace is far more important than loving a scoundrel. Let's tell it like it is: This man is a dog. First, he's setting a bad example for his daughters on how a man should treat them. A daughter's view of men comes from how her father treats their mother, and unless the daughters demand better, they may run into men that won't value them. Second, the Bible states that God allows for divorce in adultery & abuse. Think about it, why would God allow one of his precious daughters to endure adultery & abuse? He wouldn't, but don't let some of these self-righteous Christians tell you that. They're quick to say love endures all, which is true from a Biblical standpoint, but this is clear-cut infidelity. He wouldn't throw water on her if she was on fire. She may be trying to lead him to Christ, who knows?

This situation is certainly harmful, not prosperous and I have no idea what kind of hope and future there could be. Please know, if this is God's plan for their lives and he's going to turn that man's heart around and this will be a powerful testimony, so be it. I just hope it doesn't make Christians go around thinking abuse is acceptable because they're showing Christ's love. This is how the church gets messed up. She extended grace & mercy, but I think she's crazy for staying because who knows what & who he was doing. Staying in a bad marriage doesn't make anyone holy, all it does it cause resentment & bitterness because by the time a person decides to leave, they're too jaded to accept true love from someone who will do right by them.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.