Jun 26, 2012

Relationship Standards

Everybody has standards for their prospective mate. Relationship standards serve a couple purposes: 1. Gives YOU something to shoot for and 2. Allows the other person to measure up (as they should). The problem lies is when men & women expect their partner to be on point when they aren't together themselves. How can you require of someone what you yourself don't have, let alone willing to give? That's bound to create problems in the relationship because one person is giving you the best of them and you're giving them scraps. If you're not giving your all to a relationship, do yourself and him/her a favor and split. You're good for someone, just not them and vice versa. A common expectation women have for prospective men is they want a man to be whole. That's good and she should expect the best in a man but what is she bringing to the table? What does she have to offer other than her good looks? "I'm not settling for chicken dinner when I deserve prime rib". What makes YOU think you're prime rib. Unless your perfect (which none of us are) then people shouldn't expect perfection in a spouse. The only person that's perfect is Jesus. I find it hilarious, if not shameful that some people can be so shallow they forget they have to meet another's relationship standards just like you have to meet theirs. If you're a 5 looking for a 10, something's wrong because a nickel isn't going to want a dime, a dime wants another dime so they can continue growing together. A nickel should look for a nickel, a dime should look for a dime, quarter for quarter. What I'm getting at is people should look for those comparable to them so there's no incompatibility. Contrary to popular belief, opposites DO NOT attract. Opposites are just that, OPPOSITES. Opposites are not supposed to work together, they are designed to do just that...be contrary. The reason why many relationships fail is unrealistic expectations. I'm for setting the bar high but if you're going to set the bar high, make sure you are at that level so your partner can have something to shoot for. I will never require of someone what I don't have to give or am not working towards.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.