May 30, 2012

Keeping It Real: When You Do What I Want, When I Want & How I Want

Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY likes to parade themselves as being so real. Keeping it real has become so cliche in society that you can almost guarantee that the person who is supposedly keeping it real has skeletons showing otherwise. Look, if you are real like you claim then you don't have to broadcast it. It would show in your conduct, character and you wouldn't have to prove to anyone how real you are. Actions will always trump cliches every time. I'm tired of people saying how real they are, yet turn out to be fake. It's pretty easy to spot the true REAL people and those who are faking it until they make it. If you have to broadcast how real you are, 9 times out of 10 you're not. Being real is acting the same whether eyes are on you or not. Being real is practicing what you preach and lastly, being real is NOT catching feelings when someone doesn't do what you want. It's funny that if you do what people ask of you, you're considered real in their eyes but if you start saying no, they get upset and run you down. So I'm flaw because I won't do as you asked? That's your problem & not mine. If my realness is questioned because I won't move like you want on your timeframe then I guess I'm not real. Let me tell you something about being real. Real is being down for someone through sickness & health and for better or worse. Keeping It Real is not folding under pressure when odds are stacked against you and last but not least, keeping it real DOES NOT entail stipulations that if you don't do this, that and the third for me then you're fake. THAT is what keeping it real is all about. If it's one phrase that needs to be retired is Keeping It Real. Yes, do away with that phrase altogether because it's been abused beyond recognition. Who's really REAL in society? What I mean by that is who is truly real that doesn't feel the need to broadcast their realness to the world? I'll tell you....NOBODY.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.