Dec 17, 2012

Prison=Badge Of Honor?

Since when did going to prison become a badge of honor? These dudes talking about I did 10 years in the pen for such & such crime, etc. These same guys cry about how they can't get a job, the white man is holding them down, etc. It never ends with these guys. Yes, we all have made/make mistakes but you learn from it the FIRST time. Even then, think about the repercussions before you go out and do something stupid. Is it worth it?

A Good Thing

To men who say it's hard to find a good woman:
I think it's mostly in two things: (1) Do you have a healthy perception of yourself because you will attract what you are and (2) Do you have a healthy perception of others because you will most often see what you expect to see.
There are millions of good single women out there. Literally. Focus on getting healthy through Christ first and good women will almost magically appear before your eyes.
While it's somewhat valid that a good woman is hard to find, women are having the same issue with finding a suitable man to call her soulmate. Men and women are in the same boat so both need to tighten up on this bickering.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.