Aug 1, 2019

Do Aborted Babies Go To Heaven?

Do aborted babies go to Heaven? This question has been on my mind for sometime. In my view, aborted babies go to Heaven because they didn't have the chance to sin. How can an aborted baby be held responsible for what (s)he doesn't know? That goes against God's nature. A baby that's aborted doesn't know you must be saved and have a relationship with Christ. I look at this from the viewpoint of God being just; an aborted baby hasn't had the chance to hear about Christ, so (s)he would get a pass into Heaven. Once that baby grows into a teenager and adult and they heard the Gospel, and chose to reject Christ, then they would be held responsible because they heard the Gospel and chose to reject Christ. I couldn't picture God sending an aborted baby to hell because that baby never had a chance to hear the Word. Logical reasoning and reading the Bible points to aborted babies going to Heaven. King David had a child with Bathsheba. The child died as an infant, and as King David mourned, seemed to indicate he would see the child.

2 Samuel 12:22-23 (Contemporary English Version)
While he was still alive, I went without food and cried because there was still hope. I said to myself, “Who knows? Maybe the Lord will have pity on me and let the child live.” 23 But now that he’s dead, why should I go without eating? I can’t bring him back! Someday I will join him in death, but he can’t return to me.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.