Jan 3, 2014

Real Men Do...(Insert Here)

 If you have never been with a real man, don't know how to treat a real man, don't know how to act around a real man and don't know how to submit to a real man, DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT A REAL MAN IS OR ISN'T. A real quality man knows what he needs to do and must do. If you aren't being a quality lady, you will never know what he is.
Too many females are saying, "A real man would...", "A real man needs to...", "A real man better...", but you aren't playing your part in being a real, quality woman. It's funny how so many females who supposedly know what a real man is... are single and bitter. Do you not see the problem?
Ladies, worry about being a real, quality lady instead of focusing on what a real man should or shouldn't do. When you meet him, you will know. But if you have yet to meet him, work on you. Be the best you, a high caliber lady before you ever talk about what a real man is. It's a new year, let's get it together!

My View: The following Public Service Announcement was made by Dahlia of How To Be A Woman. How To Be A Woman is one of the most popular Facebook pages on social media. Daily lady lessons are taught by Lotus and Dahlia. I stand with these two women because they bring much-needed wisdom to today's women. Onto today's message: Women love to spout real man rhetoric like it's gospel. "A real man respects women, a real man refers to women as queens, no matter how they act, etc." First off, a woman has no right dictating what a real man should do, because she's not a MAN. It's like a man telling a woman how to be a woman. Never mind there are hundreds of Facebook pages telling women how to be women, but that's beside the point. A woman's definition of a real man is coming from a bitter place. For example, a real man refers to women as queens, even if she is ratchet. A queen is a woman who carries herself in high regard, because she's an extension of her king. If a so-called queen is acting ratchet, she demotes herself to the common hoodrat. A ratchet woman has no right to call herself a queen if she's not acting as such. When I hear a woman telling what real men do, it's coming from a biased place: In a roundabout way, she's telling men what real men do in order to emasculate him. How stupid does it sound for a man telling a woman how to be something she's naturally (or should be)? Sounds foolish huh? Exactly, that's how many men feel when a woman tries to tell him about his gender. A man has a better understanding of what real men do because he's a man. It's only fair that men make real men statements because they hold more weight coming from a man than women. Sure, some women may have merit in what they say about real men, but a man's experiences trump her view on what a real man is all about.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.