Feb 28, 2015

Trouble In Paradise

From the moment Todd & Kandi got married, they've been having trouble in marriage, and it boils down to Kandi. Why do I point the finger at Kandi? It's simple. She lets Mama Joyce meddle in their love life. All she has to do is tell Mama Joyce to but out of their love life, and everything will be fine between them. Just like a woman expects her fiancee to check his mom for disrespecting her, men expect the same in return. Todd is better than myself and a lot of men because most men wouldn't go for that. Either an ultimatum would be given to a woman to check her disrespectful parents, or he's gone. I truly believe much of the reason why some women can't find a quality man is because she lets her mother meddle in her love life. Mama Joyce is a member of the Disciples Of The Angry Black Sisterhood, and if she's not happy; she doesn't want her daughter Kandi happy either. Kandi isn't slick; we know what's good. Todd's not giving Kandi any action because he still feels slighted by how Kandi refuses to check Mama Joyce. Whenever Todd brings up Mama Joyce's disrespectful nature, Kandi shrugs it off like it doesn't matter. When that's done repeatedly, you have the nerve to ask your spouse for some action. Sorry, but the answer would be negative. I don't blame Todd for turning down loving because they have TOO many issues to fix. If any area in the relationship is fractured, chances are the love department is as well. Let some of these couples tell it, sex can solve all problems in a marriage because you forget what you were upset about. Todd could be using Kandi's desire for a baby to get back at Kandi for not standing up for him during Mama Joyce's tirade. That's Todd's way of controlling the situation. Todd's like: "I'm gonna fix her. She wants a baby, but I've got the sperm." Here's a few comments regarding Kandi/Todd's marriage issues from a Facebook friend's thread: 

Geoff Barlow-You need more than sexual attraction for a long lasting marriage. You can't live your whole life in the bedroom!

Thelma Chong-Kandi would have a better relationship with her husband if she wasn't so controlling. Right now, I feel that Todd was impressed by her ambition but he probably feels that she need to focus more on their relationship rather than her mother. Her mother put ideas in her head so now she wants counseling? I'm gonna tell you by her not standing up for him while she constantly belittling him left him with a bad feeling towards her. He knows she wants to have a baby so this is his way of getting back some control.

Richard Hudson (myself)-I feel for Todd, but at the same time, I don't because he should've bounced the first time Kandi didn't have his back when Mama Joyce went in on Todd. If I'm good to a woman, and her parent(s) still don't think I'm good enough for her, I'm gone. Women let their moms meddle in their love lives too much, but would expect a man to check his mom if she meddled. Yeah, single is continuing to look good for me. 

One more thing, counseling won't always fix things in a marriage.

Richard Hudson-The biggest mistake married couples make is thinking a baby can fix their problems. 

Paying Rent To Ex Husband

This strawberry letter is crazy for the simple fact that a 12-year old is on the streets selling drugs (he's got to be slinging drugs if his mother refers to his money as "street" money). The mother is setting her son up for two places: Jail or death. When you're selling drugs, you have to know what you're faced with. You have to contend with police and rival dealers trying to take over your spot. If your trap is really hot (meaning, it's generating major revenue), then expect fierce competition. The bigger question is why this boy's mother is allowing her son to stay out until 2:45 a.m. on a school night. 12-year olds aren't cognizant of the dangers of being on the streets after dark. If a man takes a single mother and her children into his home, they have to abide by his rules. If the husband wants to charge his ex-wife rent, he's within his right. I see why a lot of men don't take on single mothers because the minute a man tries to exercise authority, the mom has a problem with it. Sorry to say, but someone failed that boy along the way if he's getting street money. I don't see this ending well at all for that 12-year old, especially if he's getting street money. I would've divorced her too if she put her son's street money over my income that's keeping the household in tact. In my opinion, the husband wasn't wrong at all for asking his ex-wife to pay rent. When you're living under someone's roof, you're subject to their rules & regulations, no matter how unfair they may seem.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.