Jul 18, 2014

Tell, Tell, Tell

Living my life this way has kept me out of so much trouble. I will never understand how some people are so open with strangers they've just met. You don't know these people so why are you singing like a song? That's crazy. I understand knowing someone for a while and sharing confidential information,  because you've built a rapport with them. I would hope that you feel comfortable enough to open up to people you've known for years. You can't trust anyone (except Jesus) nowadays. Everyone's motives aren't pure, so it's important to watch the person you open up to. Some people come in your life as spies; they have very little verbal contact with you, but they're sitting in the cut observing how you get down. Their mission is to gather Intel on you to use against you at a later date. You can't get upset with these people because you decided to be open with everyone you meet. Upon first meeting someone, get a feel for them before you go telling all your business.
Once upon a time, you could confide in "insiders", but sadly, you even have to watch those around you. Those people who claim to be for you, you really can't trust them because you never know when the opportunity will arise for them to double-cross you. Look at some of these marriages: You get married with the intention of growing with that person. Years go by until you discover they've been creeping with another (wo)man. This is someone you've given your all to. After the shock wears off, you don't know what to do because you never thought they'd hurt you. There's an old saying that rings true: Those closest to you can hurt you the worst. You'all have invested into each other's lives. Some people unknowingly hurt you, and are remorseful. They try their best NOT to hurt you again because they followed their apology with repentance. Other so-called "insiders" hurt you intentionally, and feel no remorse. In fact, they let you know it by their non-chalant attitude. 
When an "insider" violates, they should no longer be in your inner circle. They should be treated as an outsider. The good times you may have had with that person, quickly went south when (s)he decided to do what they did.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.