Nov 1, 2013

How Do You Know?

How do you know how to treat someone if you've never had a committed relationship? That question comes up whenever a single person with no relationship history decides to court someone. The answer to that question: Observe how they treat their loved ones; friends & family. If they treat their loved ones in high regard, they will almost always treat you (man or woman) the same way. You have a select few who mistreat their mates, but are ready to battle if someone does their sister or aunt wrong. See the irony? That person you're mistreating is someone's aunt, sister, daughter, uncle, etc. I had a great conversation with a good friend and she asked me that question, and I responded with "By treating my woman the same way I treat the most important people in my life, with love & respect." For me, I go hard for those I love and they usually reciprocate, because if there's no reciprocation in the love department, I'm gone. No sense in staying in a lopsided relationship. Think about it, I'm giving my all to a woman, and she can't do the same for me? Where they do that at? Not over here. I understand what people mean by when they say "How a man treats his mother is how he will treat his woman" 9 times out of 10, it's true. If he mistreats his mother, he will mistreat his lady. Flipping the script, if he respects his mother, he will respect her because his mom wouldn't go for that. Mothers know a good woman when they see one, and a good mother will motivate her son to put his woman first. You see, just because someone has never had a committed relationship doesn't mean they wouldn't know what to do if the right person came along. Pay attention to how they treat their loved ones, for that usually speaks volumes as to how they will treat you.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.