Jan 18, 2016

Ep 11: Ms. Parks Goes to Washington

Ep 11: Ms. Parks Goes to Washington: Phaedra hosts a trip to the nation’s capital to garner support for her Save Our Sons organization and invites a few of the ladies to tag along. During their visit to Congress, Kim once again finds herself on the outskirts of the festivities. Kenya's family drama continues after she returns from Detroit resulting in an argument with her Aunt Lori.

Yesterday's RHOA Episode was scattered for many reasons, but most of the episode centered on Kenya's family drama. I read Kenya's memoir she posted on social media and it was powerful. Her memoir was about the abandonment she suffered at a young age & how that has affected her today. I'm going to be real: I feel bad for Kenya because she's a sweet person, just misunderstood. From the time she came onto RHOA, she's had a target on her head. Other than Cynthia & Marlo, Kenya doesn't have too many friends on RHOA because she's had shade thrown her way. Kenya deserves closure from her family drama, but when her mom still wanted nothing to do with Kenya after 40 years, that's all the closure Kenya needed. She needs to understand that she can't force her mom into a relationship with her. If her mother doesn't want a relationship, that's her loss. Kenya has been through too much to keep rehashing that hurt. Aunt Lori made me mad when she came down on Kenya for wanting to talk to her mother. Bravo to Kenya for turning up on Aunt Lori saying how she has every right to see her mother. Through all of that, Kenya has her relationship with her father, plus her dad's side of the family, so she has more than enough people showing her love. Out of sight, out of mind.
Phaedra invited Porsha, Kim & Sheree to Washington, DC to garner support for her Save Our Sons campaign. She met with influential black congressmen & congresswomen, and the only women who showed Phaedra support was Porsha (yes, the Princess of Thotland) and Sheree. Sheree and Phaedra had more in common during the DC trip because they're mothers to black sons. Some touching moments were various mothers who shared stories of how their sons were slain by policemen. Kim Fields irked me because she kept getting up and taking her kids outside. Look, she should have left her children with her husband or other family. Kim disrespected Phaedra because she didn't have to invite Kim. If Kim wasn't taking her kids outside every 2 minutes, her idiot son Sebastian was making stupid snide comments like "I'm going on this trip to meet stupid Congress people. Who cares." I don't like going in on kids, but I will in this case. He made himself look stupid with those comments. I have more respect for Phaedra for not shielding her kids from the reality of racial prejudice. There are some things kids need to be shielded from, but racial prejudice isn't one of them. Kim Fields took a major L for this.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.