May 12, 2013

Question From A Friend

Do you think it's un-natural or abnormal for a man or woman, but ESP a man, to be alone when God says He made a helpmate suitable for him? So, if he hasn't found that helpmate, doesn't that mean he (the man) is disconnected from God in some way or is controlled by his own ego?
This was my response: Good question. Yes & No. Most men, like women want to spend the rest of their lives with that special person, so why would a man or woman reject the person God sends in their life? Especially if they help him/her be the best person possible. Then again, some people don't want a relationship & that's fine. Depending on their calling, it may be best if (s)he stays single, so they can devote their life to their calling. I don't think God will punish someone if they choose to stay single. Many men (like women) make a conscious decision to remain single, because most men have low tolerance for BS (same as women). Depending on the woman, some men will work with a woman to help her be her best. Most times, if she's not on point like he is (being on point varies for each person), it's game over.
 Follow-Up Question: That's ego though, isn't it? In other words when God presents the person, and our EGO says, he's not perfect, she's not perfect, aren't we using our selfish desires and thwarting our blessing? Aren't people making mate selection too hard?
My Response:
It is ego, but most men won't admit it. People require of others what they lack in themselves. If your man or woman was perfect, how would that work out?
I think some people make mate selection harder than necessary. Ask God for discernment in choosing the right mate, and he won't let you get jammed up with the wrong person.
Looking at today's world with divorce, domestic abuse, etc., many folks are like "forget this, if this is what relationships are like, I want no part of it."

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.