Feb 25, 2015

Be Careful Who You Trust

I used to trust everyone, but not anymore. When you trust everyone, you open yourself up to trusting the wrong people. Not everyone is trustworthy so it behooves people to trust in doses. For me, I trust those who I deem as trustworthy, and I expect the same from them. No matter how much some people have been hurt, they're still trusting of everyone. In my mind, I'm side-eyeing them because I'm like "You've been done wrong, and you're still going to trust everyone that comes in your circle" They're better than me because the way I'm set up, you have one time to destroy my trust. Once trust is broken, it takes a while to rebuild or the trust was broken to the point of no return. I look at couples who've been through infidelity, and somehow they rebuild their trust. I can see the first time and rebuilding trust, but if there's repeated instances of infidelity, at some point someone needs to examine their self-worth and be willing to drop that zero. When I say not everyone is trustworthy, I mean it. When you're meeting someone for the first time, they're putting their best foot forward (and you're doing the same) because you two are trying to find common ground. No one's going to be honest enough to tell someone their faults if they're trying to get to know someone. Most people would tell you their good side, and let you find out their faults on your own. After you find out, the choice is yours as to whether you'll overlook their shortcomings and focus on the good. I'm trusting until you violate my trust. Once you violate, most likely I can never see you in the same light; just like if I violate someone's trust, I would expect them NOT to trust me. Trust is like a precious diamond, very valuable and rare.


This is a short documentary about a disabled teenager named Anthony who was bullied by black teenagers. He got so tired of the bullying that he tried to kill himself, until something powerful happened: A young lady stopped him from exterminating himself by offering him a helping hand. Anthony has a disability, which made him a bigger target. It's one thing to be a bully, but to bully someone with a disability, well...I don't respect that at all. This is why I advocate mandatory self-defense courses in junior and high school because I believe there would be less bullying if students were taught how to stand up for themselves. Bullies never target those who can give them the blues, they always prey on the weak. Watch the video.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.