Nov 12, 2012

Why Have A President?

Do most people realize that the approval rating for Congress generally ranges from only 10-20%??
I want to make a formal apology to George W. Bush. NOT because I support him -- never that! But I truly realize now that he couldn't screw up the country without the help of the Congress. NO PRESIDENT - INCLUDING BUSH - has enough power to fix, screw up, or approve much in this country BY THEMSELVES. It's not a One-Man Show folks!! Bush was being used as a puppet by folks like Karl Rove and Dick Cheney. Although probably a good man (which I hadn't always believed), Bush was just one man who surrendered his backbone to special interests. And America's prosperity was sacrificed in the end because of that. He didn't mess up alone, is my point. So ALL of the blame cannot go on him. ALL of the blame cannot NOW go onto President Obama either. The republicans in Congress vowed to make this man a "one-term President" before he even spent ONE DAY in office and vowed to say "Hell No" to pretty much EVERYTHING he wanted to do no matter how good it might be for our Nation. Putting your Politics before your People is the biggest reason why this country is going backwards, is broke, and is bitterly divided. Congress is absolutely horrible. Useless. No matter the party! And again, I sincerely hope that BOTH SIDES are going to work to actually FIX things this time. Or we are doomed. What's the point of electing a president if the PRESIDENT doesn't really have any power? I mean, Congress is calling the shots telling him what & what not to do so when you think about it, there's no need for a President of the US.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.