Aug 28, 2012

Paying For Your Parents Mistakes

No parent wants their child going through what they did; every parent wants the best for their child (I hope) because there's nothing more satisfying than sending your child into the world to make his/her mark. Every parent wants to know that when their children grow up & leave the nest, they did a great job when they see their child. Due to genetics,  parents sometimes make foolish choices that they require and end up passing those negative traits to their parents. It wasn't intentional but due to genetics, kids usually inherit the good & bad of each parent. Everything I do, it's to benefit my family (should I have one) because I want to leave a legacy for my kid(s) to follow. Parents don't realize how much influence they have. Parents shape the course for how their children end up? Do some parents allow their children to act all manner of crazy with no repercussions? Yes. I'm also aware of parents who don't play with their children; whatever they say goes. Honestly, I would hate for my family  (should I have one) to have to struggle long after I'm dead & gone so that's why it's important to set a good example for the little ones to follow. I think the reason why most children end up paying for their parents mistakes is because the parents are too busy trying to be their child(ren)'s friend. It's ok to be your child's friend, but you are a parent first and foremost. There will be times where a parent MUST lay the smack down in order for his/her children to grow up responsible, productive citizens of society. If children can learn from their parents mistakes, that looks good on the parent because (s)he saw what mom & dad went through and the child doesn't want to make the same mistakes their parents did. Wisdom is learning from others' mistakes. No child should be sentenced to suffering based on what their parents went through. I do believe children inherit consequences by being a product of their environment; however it doesn't have to be a life sentence. The children must persevere and break the spell. In the matter of rewards for successes, some children will always feel entitled.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.