Jun 6, 2014

Enough Is Enough Pt. 2

Enough Is Enough for men not taking care of business.
Enough Is Enough of women trying to be men and vice versa.
Enough Is Enough of men co-signing women just to gain their approval. Last time I checked, that's simp territory.
Enough Is Enough when men think that getting booty is a rite of passage.
Enough Is Enough for a lack of revival in America. We have hurting people, many of which are hanging by a thread. If they don't get a touch from God, they will end it all.
Enough Is Enough when children can't safely play in some neighborhoods because of random rounds of gunfire.
Enough Is Enough of this student loan crisis. How can people expect students to pay back loans when they can't find suitable employment? That's dumb.
Enough Is Enough of false reports saying the unemployment rate has fallen or remained stagnant. Anybody with the ability to dig deeper knows the actual unemployment rate among various groups is 2-3 times higher.
Enough Is Enough for employers complaining about the lack of skilled employees. You pay skilled employees according to their skillset and education, period.
Enough Is Enough for men gossiping like women. A man addresses another man face to face, not talk behind his back. I've never seen so many catty men in my life.
Enough Is Enough for millions of people being in debt. My ultimate goal is to become debt free so I can build wealth and give. This comes from being strategic in the moves I make.
Enough Is Enough when (wo)men try and crawl back into their ex's lives, because they "realize" they messed up. Why does it take losing a good (wo)man to realize you had a good thing going?
Enough Is Enough for every show being a reality show. If regular people can get rich & famous by cutting up on national TV, maybe I need to write my own reality show.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.