Mar 8, 2017

Victor, Not Victim

Hopefully this blog will encourage some of my fellow black people to stop seeing themselves as victims. Earlier this week, Ben Carson linked slaves to immigrants, which was crazy because blacks were BROUGHT over against their will, whereas immigrants came over for a better life. As soon as Ben Carson made that statement, every black person on social media and in real life got in their feelings. Samuel L. Jackson went in on Ben Carson, and I'm sure many other black celebs gave Carson a piece of their minds on social media. Look, I get that blacks have been through and are going through a lot since they've been in this nation. From slavery to racial injustice, I feel for blacks who have gone through that, but it's time for blacks to reclaim their power and stop seeing themselves as victims.
If Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and other influential black leaders saw themselves as victims, would they have fought hard for black equality? No, because they would be too busy playing the woe is me song. They were determined to make life better for blacks at the expense of their own lives, and they've done a wonderful job. Fast forward to 2017: Every time some blacks suffer racial injustice/prejudice, instead of fighting, some of them throw pity parties. Some blacks favorite excuse is the white man is holding them back; they can't get ahead due to the "system". Maybe some blacks are tired of fighting a losing battle, and if that's the case then I pray for the discouraged blacks that they will find a way to keep pressing on no matter the odds. One more thing: Just because a black person doesn't see themselves as a victim, doesn't mean they need their "black card" pulled.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.