Jan 15, 2015

Before: By Lotus (How To Be A Woman)

Before you talk about how he didn't stay, make sure you talk about what you did to make him go. Before you talk about how he never treated you like a lady, make sure you talk about how you never made him feel like a man. Before you talk about how he stopped bringing home the bacon, don't neglect to speak about how you stopped cooking it before he did. Before you talk about how he wasn't man enough to lead, please talk about how you weren't woman enough to be led. Remember, that when you're laying down blame, you must pick up some accountability as well. Because only a fool believes that when there are clearly two people in a relationship, all of the blame should only be owned by one.

I've gotten away from promoting various writings of How To Be A Woman, but I'm going to start showcasing more of their material, because it's good. Today's message is going to be a highlight of this article. Everyone knows (or should know) that relationships take two to be successful; both (wo)man have to have the all-or-nothing mindset to make a relationship work or else, it's doomed. One person can't or shouldn't be doing all the work, but because some people have an entitled mindset, they feel one person should do all the giving and receiving. I'm glad those types exist because they teach me the type of person I don't want. I'm giving 100%, she's giving 100%, period. Whenever a relationship ends, SOME women get ghost and want to exempt themselves from their share of responsibility for the relationship failing. It took two to enter, right? Right. By that same logic, it takes two to make a relationship work.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.