He's feeling some kind of way about her breaking up with him, so he reacts in a childish manner. The last time I checked, women outnumber men 15 to 1 (or something like that) so why is he sweating her? Seriously, it makes him look foolish because he keeps carrying on with his juvenile antics and so far, she's not giving him life. A person can only take so much juvenile banter from someone until the person hauls off and hurts their feelings. Then some people want to feel offended because they got told something. It's like this: No one is obligated to remain with you if they're not happy. If they're not happy being with you, let them go. For me, no one can make me happy like I can, so I probably wouldn't have this issue. My suggestion for this woman is to keep rising above his childish antics, but if push comes to shove, check this clown and move on. Outside of church, do they work together on a professional level? If not, then they should go their separate ways. Unless absolutely necessary, she should minimize her contact with him because he's not pleased with her breaking up with him, and he's intent on letting her know. Making petty comments, criticizing her decisions, hanging up after she answers her phone; I would expect that from a child or teenager, but not a supposed man. Just like she moved on, he needs to do the same because all he's doing is confirming she made the right decision. Some people aren't compatible, and that's ok. It's better they broke up now, because at least they won't have no shoulda, coulda, woulda moments.
Mar 6, 2015
Digging Deep
Today's Strawberry Letter is a good example of why you should go to the source for the truth, because people will lie to make themselves look good; it's crazy & sad at the same time. This man makes his daughter's mom to be the worst parent in the world: She doesn't do nothing for the daughter, she's trifling and this, that, and the third. My question is: If she's so trifling, why did he lay down with her? He didn't think she was trifling when he was hitting it, so all of a sudden she's trifling because she put him on child support. Some of these men irk me with this mess; She's good enough to lay down with, but not good enough to raise a child with. Yeah, ok...that makes sense. After meeting his family, the stepmother to this 8-year old girl decides to ride with one of his cousins to the baby mama's home. Needless to say, his story didn't match hers. From what I read, the 34-year old mom has herself together and encourages her daughter to have a relationship with her father. That's good because girls need their dads just as much as sons do. A father is the first example of manhood for a young lady.
If a father does right by his wife, that daughter won't settle for anything less in her romantic involvement with a young man because she saw an example of a healthy relationship between her parents. I salute this mother because she could be nasty and keep her daughter from seeing her dad, but from what I read, she doesn't flow like that. As for him, I can't co-sign his behavior because a man owns up to his responsibility. A thorough man would have no problem with child support if he created the baby. What he doesn't realize is that the longer he dodges child support, the greater his arrears and the longer it'll take him to pay off that balance. $32,000+ in back child support? That's crazy. That's a new car, entry-level salary, a down payment on a home; a lot of things. She had no way of knowing he was shaking his responsibility because he told her what he wanted her to know upon first meeting him. At least she followed her instinct and dug deeper for the truth. Now that she knows, is she going to stay with him or leave? If he kept this from her, there's no telling what else he may be hiding from her.
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