Jul 12, 2017

Sexual Soul Ties: Do They Affect Men Or Women?

A FB friend posted this question on her page and I'm compelled to speak on it. Soul ties are a serious matter. If you're going to have soul ties, wouldn't it make sense to be tied to someone who's proven themselves worthy? I would hope so. Sexual soul ties are a whole different ball game because it's said for every person you sleep with, their DNA is left inside you. I don't know about you, but I can't have anyone's DNA left in me because I don't know if they're carrying negative spirits or not. I think sexual soul ties affect women more because some women give their all to a man, and when they feel they can trust you, they bless you with the most sacred gift they know, sex. That explains why some women become suicidal because some women can't bear the thought of a man not wanting her, especially after she slept with him. Men can be affected too, but not to the degree of some women. It's ironic because when a man has sexual soul ties with a woman and her stuff is good, he claims it as his own. He will resort to violence in order to protect what's supposedly his.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.