Jul 4, 2015

Where's Our Flag? By Babette Glenn

She's telling the truth with this one.

Babette Glenn
4 hrs · 
It is said and proven the Confederate flag is a sign lots of white people use to express hate towards most, if not all black people. Well, where is the flag to express hate for most blacks towards other blacks? I ask because there sure is as much hate amongst them as it seems to be coming from the whites towards the blacks as said and proven about lots of white people. There isn't one, yet, there's lots of blacks trying to have that flag taken down, but very few working to have hate taken out of most black people's hearts for their fellow people.

Getting Out What You Put In

Everyone has heard the statement "You get out what you put in" many times over. That statement applies to all walks of life: Trying to get promoted on your job, wanting a successful marriage, debt freedom, making A's in school, etc. You get out what you put in, right? In a perfect world, that would be true, but sometimes you can put in with the best intentions and hard work, and things still go south. Why is that? Because we live in a fallen world, and because of that..things will happen that are out of our control. In a way, training & planning can go so far. Sometimes, it irks me when some people say "you get out what you put in" as if that's supposed to be a cure-all. They mean well, but I think sometimes some people are a little clueless. You have people born into good fortune that are well-connected; these people have never known struggle, and you have those who were dealt a bad hand from Day 1. These people have known struggle all their lives, and they fight & fight to get ahead, but always manage to come up short, through no fault of their own. These people become bitter because they see others getting ahead with ease, and wonder why they can't have the same advantage, even though they're doing equal the amount of work, or greater. Take marriage for example: There are couples on the brink of divorce RIGHT NOW that are fighting to save their marriage, but one person doesn't want to stay, even though the other spouse wants to make it work. These couples have gotten married with the best intentions, but trials have come against their marriage with such force, that one spouse has checked out in the relationship because (s)he can't take it anymore. The moral of this blog: Sometimes, you won't always get what you put in due to circumstances out of your control. Nothing wrong with that; maybe, it wasn't supposed to work in your favor. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.