Oct 28, 2023

Men vs. Women

 If you’re on social media, then you know about men and women posting their lists of men and women they wouldn’t date. The lists were ridiculous because who has time to post the types they wouldn’t date? Men doing lists of women they wouldn’t date, ladies retaliating with their own list. Both sides are looking like Boo Boo The Fool with this back & forth nonsense. 🀦🏿‍♂️If a woman prefers fine dining, cool. If a man doesn’t want single mothers, that’s his choice. People are going to choose who they want, so let’s move on to important matters.

Saturday Message: Breaking Generational Curses

When breaking generational curses, don’t expect support from those who passed it on. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.