Jan 20, 2014

Stop Trying So Hard!

This photo makes me sick because this man is trying too hard to get a greeting from this woman with an attitude. If you speak to her, and she won't speak back...keep it moving. Thank goodness I'm not hard up for a woman speaking to me. If she speaks to me, I speak back and keep moving. If not, oh well. Maybe she's got a lot on her mind, maybe she doesn't feel like talking, or as this picture states: Some black men have made her mad, and she's taking it out on him. I don't have time to force a greeting out of a woman, or anyone for that matter. 9 times out of 10, I'm going on about my day so I'll do a quick hi and ride out. It's not that serious for a man to go out of his way to make a woman acknowledge him. This picture goes into simp territory.
Contrary to what this picture states, many men DON'T want to "holla", they just want to speak to a woman and keep going. It's considered rude to ignore someone's greeting to you, so maybe he has a point. The "I Love You" comment was a bit much because they don't know each other, so why would he tell her he loves her? I love you is what couples tell each other and their children, extended & immediate family, etc. The thirst is critical for this man because there's no telling the lengths he will go to get her to acknowledge his greeting. These men need to tighten up, and stop fishing for greetings from women. A man's day should not be dictated by a woman's greeting. If she wants to act stupid, that's her problem. You cannot make others' problems, your problems.
As far as I'm concerned, she could be turned off by his constant attempts at getting her to speak. Most women will speak when spoken to. In the event that someone doesn't speak, chalk it up to them having a lot on their mind. I think of this man as someone who likes to make a woman happy. He wants to know what's on her mind, and won't stop until she opens up.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.