Aug 26, 2016

Death Row

Is a death sentence worth it? The reason why I'm asking is because it seems like condemned inmates aren't being executed fast enough. It's almost not worth it to be sentenced to death because many inmates have been on Death Row for over a decade, and have yet to be executed. The appeals process is a contributing factor because too many innocents are executed after being found innocent. For the convicted, just execute them and keep moving. There's no sense in keeping a prisoner on Death Row longer than a decade, especially if it's obvious they committed the heinous crime. In 1984, South Central Los Angeles suffered from two gang-related mass murders.
#1. 3 Crips members executed Ebora Alexander and her family (including 2 young children). All 3 were caught, and the two gunmen were sentenced to death, and the driver got life with no parole. #2. Two Bloods members rained shotgun and rifle blasts upon partygoers, killing 5 youth and wounding 6 others. The second gang-related mass murder was dubbed the 54th St. Massacre, and was the worst incident of gang violence in L.A. history. The shooters were caught and charged with 5 counts of first-degree murder; one was sentenced to death and the other has yet to stand trial for 5 counts of 1st degree murder and 6 counts of attempted murder
I'm certain the other shooter has already stood trial for the 5 1st degree murder counts and 6 attempted murder counts, and most likely got a death sentence (as he should). Anyone who slaughters innocents the because of a gang vendetta should get the death penalty. These crimes took place 32 years ago, and the killers are STILL on Death Row. What's taking so long for the shooters in the aforementioned mass murder cases to be executed? Based on eyewitnesses and the jury, the shooters were guilty so execute them and get it over with. There's no way a convicted murderer should be on Death Row for over 20 years, especially if evidence shows they were guilty. Taxpayer money is being wasted to feed and house condemned killers.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.