Mar 12, 2022

Is It Ok For Men To Cry?

I still feel the same way 2 years later. If a man shows emotion over what God has done in his life, then I can respect him shedding some tears. Outside of the loss of a loved one, birth of a child, loss of a pet, I can't see shedding tears over something like that. You can mourn, but actually crying tears...nah.


Joe Biden Exposed - 2 STRONG -

Blacks be like: I voted for Biden because he'll look out for us. Oh really? Looking out for us with high gas prices? He gave us free stimulus money, but it came at a cost: The cost of goods went up. If that's looking out for us, then something's wrong. Black people claim to be so woke, but some of us are sleep because we know all politicians don't have blacks' best interests at heart, but many of us continue voting against our best interests. Honestly, I don't expect any politician to look out for me because I know who has my back: God.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.