Sep 22, 2014

If I'm An NFL Owner...

In light of professional athletes messing up their lives, today's blog message is inspired by the recent events involving Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, and Jameis Winston. Professional athletes feel as though they're above reproach. They do whatever they want without any accountability, and that's not how life works. For every action (good or bad), there's a consequence. If you make good choices, there are good consequences, if you make bad choices, there are bad consequences. It would behoove professional athletes to walk on egg shells because everything they say and do is scrutinized. One minor screw-up, and word will get back to the coach. Jameis Winston is a good example: This kid has done some dumb things from bringing a pellet gun to school to making an obscene statement to a woman in FSU's student union. Coach Fisher benched him for the entire game, so that should tell Jameis that he's not above the team. You can and will be replaced if your conduct is detrimental on and off the field.
If I'm an NFL Owner, I look at everything before I decide to sign players from the NFL draft. Their college stats, leadership ability and their moral character. Very few, if any NFL executives look at a player's off the field conduct. They're worried about their stats. It's good to look at a player's ability to contribute, but their off-the-field conduct is what matters. How are they in the off-season? Do they appreciate the blessing of playing professional football? It's easy to act right when all eyes are on you, but when the cameras are off, that's when your character is tested. NFL players have all this fame and fortune and they don't appreciate it. They throw away fame & fortune over stupidity. Is is that serious to throw away your career over a woman? No. I'm having surveillance cameras, IPhone video footage and whatever else I deem necessary to prove my case, should I find myself in an unfortunate situation.
Being an NFL Owner, I'm looking for the BEST all-around talent: Moral character, their appreciation for the opportunity given them, and are they going to represent me on and off the field. If they agree to uphold high moral values, and contribute to my team, I'm signing them. They can impress me all they want at the NFL Combine, but if their moral character isn't on point, forget it. I can't have players representing me the wrong way as an NFL Owner. That makes me look bad.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.