Apr 26, 2021

House Approves Disability Abortion Ban

 Disability Abortion Ban

I have one question for the House who approved the abortion ban: 1. Will you foot the bill for the required care of parent(s) raising special needs children? Asking for special needs parents everywhere. It's easy for leaders to dictate what's best for parents when they're not the ones who have to deal with the physical & emotional toll of raising special needs children. What if the parents die, who's going to step in and take care of the child outside of immediate family? As I write this, there are severely disabled children that were dealt a bad hand. They didn't ask for their condition, but that's the hand they were given, and the parents are doing the best they can to raise an independent child despite their disability. If the child will be born with a disability (or multiple disabilities), why would the House set the parent up for a difficult road? Makes no sense. Raising children with disabilities is NOT easy. This is the one time where I feel abortions should be allowed because not everyone has the patience and strength to raise children with disabilities (mental or physical).

Recurring Stimulus Payments

Recurring Stimulus Payments

$2000 monthly recurring stimulus payments would help a lot of folks. It’s one thing to get stimulus money while out of work through no fault of your own, but when you’re working AND getting stimulus money...it’s no excuse for anyone not to save. In all honesty, it’s no excuse for anyone to be broke from multiple one-time stimulus payments, plus the $3000 or so child tax credit for each child. One time stimulus money isn't enough. How many struggling folks still have their $1200 or $1400 they received earlier? Most people blew through that money like water

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.