Mar 12, 2013

Frustrated: Black American Men In Brazil

Various people have mentioned how American black women are the least desired among races. Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, because I haven't experienced much of what others are talking about. Why is that? I avoid drama queens at all costs, so it spares me from their venom. There are undesirables of all races, not just black women so why are black women being singled out? This documentary sheds light on how many black American men are flocking overseas to Brazil because in their eyes, Brazilian women respect them & don't come with the baggage that American black women do. Again, I've never experienced bad women because I don't give them a chance to infect me with their poison. First offense, I'm gone. I don't have time to love a woman through her nonsense. My peace of mind is far more important than loving a woman through her rough times. If Black American men find love in Brazilian women, more power to them. I like to see happy couples in love, because that gives me hope in knowing that as long as I keep working on myself, the right woman will come along, and bring the best out of me (and vice versa). Many black men have valid reasons for going after Brazilian women, but sometimes it's an excuse. You know, some black men want a woman that says how high when he tells her to jump. Most black women aren't going for that controlling behavior, so they put up resistance. Black men don't like this, so they throw their hands up at sisters and leave them in the dust. Granted, no man wants a combative woman (I don't), but at the same time, many women have a problem with submission to an upstanding guy. He can be honorable & of good moral character, and some women still won't submit to his leadership. Simply put, men need to choose women that are a great fit for them. If he's laid back, choose a laid-back woman. If he's strong, choose a strong woman that will lift him up when he's down. Problem Solved.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.