Aug 12, 2015

Answered Prayer: The Power Of Praying With Faith by Pastor Fred Price

Pastor Frederick K.C. Price is a veteran pastor who's been around since the 80's. I grew up watching many of his sermons on his nationally-televised broadcast, which still comes on today. He founded Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles, which is now the FaithDome and has a 22,000+ church membership. This blog is going to be my analysis of the book. Many Christians struggle with their prayer commitment and wrestle with a proper prayer attitude and posture. Through reading this book, Pastor Price has debunked traditional prayer teaching that says: Sometimes God says yes, no, and wait. Some Christians pray the wrong prayer and expect God to cover for them. This book shows how God responds to faith and why it's critical for Christians to understand how to pray in faith and not doubt, ignorance or presumption. My favorite chapter in this book is Use The Right Tool. Just like a mechanic needs the right tools for repairs, Christians also need the right tools for prayer. In other words, different kinds of prayer require different tools. Many Christians aren't aware that there are several different kinds of prayer discussed in the Bible, and if the tools/rules from one prayer type are used in place of another, your prayers will not work. In short, different prayers require different tools. So many Christians wonder why their prayers go unanswered. Much of the reason is because they pray incorrect prayers using the wrong tools. This book has changed my prayer life.

Praying For What's Yours

As Christians, we're all guilty of praying like this: Lord, bless me with financial provision, good health and joy. Why do some Christians pray for what's already theirs? Two reasons come to mind: 1. God wants to hear our voice, and 2. Lack of faith. While it's true that God knows what his children need before they ask, he wants us to bring our requests to him. This is so he can spend time with us. Don't some Christians think God gets upset when we treat him like a genie? I've been guilty of treating God like a genie from time to time, asking him to grant MY requests without considering the fact that he just wants to hear his children's voice. I think some Christians treat God like a genie because God delights in answering the prayers of his righteous children. They can come to God with everything and they're guaranteed a "Yes" answer to their prayers. The answer may(not) be immediate, but they know their answer will be Yes. The 2nd reason is lack of faith, which is where the majority of Christians' prayers fall into the category. Some Christians pray for what's already theirs because they don't believe God will do what he says, so they think by bombarding God with basic prayers, they'll have a better chance of getting them answered. In other words, their lack of faith prevents them from guaranteeing that God will respond in favor to their request(s). I've made a commitment to change my prayer life to one of thanks, thanking God for granting me what's already mine.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.