Jan 2, 2015

Content? Only When I Reach The Finish Line

I'm all for contentment just as much as the next person, but I'm not content when I know I have goals to accomplish. That's crazy to me that some people would set goals for themselves, abandon them halfway and rest on their laurels. Maybe they can't take the heat, or maybe they're satisfied with their level of success and feel there's nothing left for them to accomplish. If they're satisfied with where they are in life, then that's their right to be content. Personally, I've got too much greatness in me to be content with mediocrity. If you're content with mediocrity, then you have no right to be envious of someone who's not. They're not satisfied with the status quo, they want it all and their work ethic shows it. Look at some of society's influential people: Do you think they got where they are by being content? No, they wanted it all and made it happen by any means necessary. I bet the most successful people will endorse this blog. I believe most jealousy comes from unfulfillment, which in turn leads to some people labeling others as "greedy" just because they're not content with mediocrity. MY definition of contentment is satisfaction with having achieved all goals I've set, and deciding it's time to stop. I have nothing left to prove because in my mind, I've done it all. When you've achieved every goal you've set for yourself, that's when it's time to be content. Enjoy your success.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.