Jun 18, 2014

Punchanella: By Nojma Reflects

This one is for all the Punchanella women. You want to do everything a man can do? You believe you can do everything a man can do? Ok. Protect yourself. Secure yourself. Don't look for a man to assist you at all. Don't worry about chivalry and a man opening doors. You got it Babygirl...open your own door.

You're struggling with boxes or groceries? Figure it out on your own. Pay your own bills. You on a date? Pay for your own meal. Better yet..pay for HIS. Don't look for your neighbor to come take a look at a leak coming from your car. You got this! Tire blown out on the high way? Tell that Black Man that asks you if you need any help....no sir I have it handled. 

This foolishness comes from women. Talking about we are equal. Can a man give birth? That's an example of inequality right there. How many men do you hear say man I wish I could give birth. I want to know what a contraction feels like. The hypocrisy of it all is that if we heard a Brother say I want to be like a woman...we'd call him a punk. 

That's why I posted about femininity. Too many of us are trying to dabble in masculinity. Our voices are sounding all gruff and heavy. We have become very aggressive. We will actually try to run up on you and go toe to toe with you like we're men. We don't understand how to be soft and delicate. We want to be so hardcore. That's automatic man repellent! 

We are so busy trying to be men that we are missing out on the essence of our womanhood. We want to race and beat you to the finish line. Hell, our enemy already gave us a head start. Instead of holding hands and running together we'd rather mock you and cross that line by ourselves. Talking about we won. Lies! We are LOSING! Us and our faux victories. Majority of our households ran by Single Mothers. ..does that sound like a bunch of winners to you? Our Boys left behind and are failing academically. ..does that sound like winning to you?

Wait. What am I thinking? Yall ain't playing for the home team. You're on the starting line up for our enemy...vying for the coveted title of MVP...Most Valuable PAWN.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.