Repost from Nyca Williams
You usually i show my belief but I don't go deep bc in today's world ppl always trying to tell you what to believe and down you saying its the white mans religion. Maybe so ,maybe we were indoctrinated into a belief system that's not originally ours guess what? Idgaf I know this the Great I am was present each and every time I didn't know what to do. He was there when my health tried me. He was there when a bill was due and I didn't know what to do. So you believe what you want.
Also understand this race is not for the swift but for the one that can endure. Meaning things aren't going to always be sunshine & red roses no ma'am,no sir but just keep going and watch what happens live !!!! Its OK to be sad,I am sad a lot but I keep remembering Lizzie told me I am not built to break and that I am a conqueror through Jesus Christ and He will bring me out alright. I have to reflect back on that bc in a world like today we all need encouragement.
Lastly, stop expecting to find happiness within from other ppl. We are all the same and we all have our issue. Find your happiness in the fact you are here and each day is a new opportunity to get it right.Believe you are the best you know and whatever your situation is in His time and your faithful strides things will change. Your family might not understand, your kids might not understand, your co workers might not understand but the Creator does and He sees you and hears you and will act when He knows you need it most. You are special, you are loved ,you are worthy simply bc you are created in the image You usually i show my belief but I don't go deep bc in today's world ppl always trying to tell you what to believe and down you saying its the white mans religion. Maybe so ,maybe we were indoctrinated into a belief system that's not originally ours guess what? Idgaf I know this the Great I am was present each and every time I didn't know what to do. He was there when my health tried me. He was there when a bill was due and I didn't know what to do. So you believe what you want.
Also understand this race is not for the swift but for the one that can endure. Meaning things aren't going to always be sunshine & red roses no ma'am,no sir but just keep going and watch what happens live !!!! Its OK to be sad,I am sad a lot but I keep remembering Lizzie told me I am not built to break and that I am a conqueror through Jesus Christ and He will bring me out alright. I have to reflect back on that bc in a world like today we all need encouragement.
Lastly,stop expecting to find happiness within from other ppl. We are all the same and we all have our issue. Find your happiness in the fact you are here and each day is a new opportunity to get it right.Believe you are the best you know and whatever your situation is in His time and your faithful strides things will change. Your family might not understand,your kids might not understand ,your co workers might not understand but the Creator does and He sees you and hears you and will act when He knows you need it most. You are special ,you are loved ,you are worthy simply bc you are created in the image of the Most High. Your moment will come even if it appears it will be a lifetime of waiting well that's how long it took you to realize your greatness and receive it .I'm in the realizing stage! Wow! What a revelation to finally get it but I do and I'm forever grateful for understanding. Have a positive Friday smile even if you feel like you are breaking inside and know this too shall pass. of the Most High. Your moment will come even if it appears it will be a lifetime of waiting well that's how long it took you to realize your greatness and receive it .I'm in the realizing stage ! Wow! What a revelation to finally get it but I do and I'm forever grateful for understanding. Have a positive Friday smile even if you feel like you are breaking inside and know this too shall pass.
If this isn’t encouragement, I don’t know what is.π€·πΎ♂️