Oct 16, 2020

I Don't Feel Like Taking Care Of You Anymore

 I Don't Feel Like Taking Care Of You Anymore

Some people don't deserve pets. A dog is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Even though I'm glad this dog will live out his final days in a loving home, he didn't deserve to be abandoned by his trash owners (I call them trash because that's what they are). I'm sure this dog has given them love & loyalty and his former owners decided to abandon him because they were moving to a new place and didn't feel like taking care of him anymore. They never loved the dog in the first place, so maybe they did the right thing. I feel for all the shelter dogs that were surrendered for whatever reason (and we know most of the reasons are stupid). I couldn't imagine giving away my dog for nothing; we are one. She adores me & I spoil her because I don't want my dog knowing abandonment, abuse or neglect. How you treat animals speaks volumes about who you are.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.