Feb 21, 2017

Marriage Blueprint

I posted the following question on my FB page and got very good responses:

If someone wants to be married, but they didn't have a blueprint to go by because their parents divorced, how can that person have a good marriage?
  1. Chrissy BeesWife Rumph Learn from the parents mistakes and do everything they did wrong right..
  2. Kendra Winters Learn from their parents mistakes and what NOT to do!
  3. Trina Brown You can't go by someone else's marriage to make your successful there's different Dynamics to evey relationship
  4. Rachael Guelle My parents had a good marriage. I haven't gotten married yet. Lmao. I haven't seen forever with anyone yet. Probably never will the way my luck is. 😂😂😂
  5. Tasha Renée An unsuccessful marriage in the family doesn't mean they all will be. Learn from their mistakes.
  6. Mint Silver Thank you Trina Brown. You said a mouth full. Good job!!
  7. Paulette Singleton Is there really a blueprint to marriage??
  8. Richard Hudson I think there is. If you've witnessed a loving, healthy marriage between your parents, then you're going to want that for your marriage. Of course, your dynamics are going to be different from your parents.
  9. Caroline White Good question....Like motherhood there is the basic, and the rest is a work in progress. We hope the [GOOD] examples we have been given , will be a guide. Hopefully you find someone wanting the same things in life!
  10. Vanessa Hayes Jewett Not everyone.  

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.