Aug 24, 2012

My Vision

Seems like yesterday I've just debuted The Chill Zone. Since the website's existence, it has grown rapidly. 2308 views and counting. I was supposed to debut this website in June but a good friend suggested I get it up faster and I listened. Since my website has been up, over 2300 people & counting have viewed my website. I'm not going to break that number down but best believe I average double-digit page views daily. My blog website is my way of discussing life from my perspective: what I've seen, been through, situations my loved ones have been through. I also discuss subjects I'm passionate about and as time goes on, I'll start discussing issues that hit home for many people as well as myself. I want to take my talent as far as possible. I stumbled upon and I'm extending my blogging into the blog talk radio. Having my own blog radio show, I reach a wider audience and people put a voice with my writing; it's a win-win for everyone (myself included). The money will be a by-product of my passion for blogging. My following is pretty strong as evidenced by my page views. I'm working on a way to increase my comments because I want to be on all cylinders: Lots of page views, engaging dialogue with respondents, etc. When I was on MySpace, I used to write everyday. Sometimes, I would write twice a day if I had a lot to say. For the past couple weeks, I've written 5 days because I've had much to say on various issues so that's going to continue. I feel like 4 days isn't enough so that's why I give my viewers 5 days of commentary. Periodically, I'll solicit topic suggestions on facebook so I can have something to speak on because the best writers experience writer's block. Even the best writers go through a drought where they struggle to find content. I don't want that to happen so periodically I'll solicit topic suggestions. Also I'll do a series on various issues as well so I can get to the root of why people do what they do and so on. I'm excited about my vision and look forward to how far God's guiding my talent. I've been writing long before I started school and that talent was evident in how I did well on English essay exams. When you have a talent, it shines through in all areas of life. My inspiration for blog commentary is the world around me and my experiences because if someone can be inspired by what I've seen, that makes writing worth it.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.