Apr 17, 2013

Wednesday Medicine

1. To me, helping someone entails giving them the tools to better themselves. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for life.
2. People who say, "I'm not your average (wo)man" are usually the average ones. You don't have to say "I'm not your average", it shows in your conduct.
3. Because we live in a fallen world, death is a part of life. So many people say, "I don't know what I'd do without my mom/father." If they raised you right, you know what to do. Follow their teachings.
4. Black On Black Murders are a sad reality. Make it so bad, white supremacist groups have fallen away from exterminating blacks.
5. Now that I think about it, Tookie should've been spared the death penalty. Think about it, he could've stopped the gang warfare in Los Angeles, because he's lived that lifestyle.
6. Chicago is going through what Los Angeles did in the 80s and early 90's, regarding to street wars.
7. The bonafide truth!
8. Quoted by Stop Simping Movement:
The only Disney movie that ever matters and is the best Disney movie of all time hands down, landslide victory was; The Lion King. It had a strong male lead not on some sucker shit. Unlike all other Disney movies. It taught accountability, ...standing up for what's right. Learn not to sweat your past, put it behind you. (Hakuna Matata dammit!) You gotta stand on your own feet. Have some Fucking courage. And above all else, to be a king, ya gotta claim your kingdom, kick anybody off your doorstep that you don't allow in your home.
9. A Happy Wife Equals A happy life ONLY if the woman is worth it. If no matter what a man does is good enough for her, all the prayer and love is useless.
10. Fellas, stop trying to change your woman into who you want her to be. You should've done your homework before you got involved with her.
11. You know something...the more stories I read about babies being raped and abused, the more I have reason NOT to bring children into this world. It's a baby for crying out loud! My goodness.
12. I'm ready for the NBA playoffs, time for Miami to have their First 3 peat.
13. Never will you hear a man say "A Happy husband equals a happy life" Why? Because it sounds stupid.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.