Nov 25, 2014

No Indictment For Officer Darren Wilson

No one should be surprised that Officer Darren Wilson wasn't indicted for Michael Brown's murder, I wasn't. I saw it coming from a mile away. It's been open season on unarmed black men for a while, and it's only going to get worse. It's blacks who have declared open season on each other with the way some of them shoot each other daily. Black on black murders are the leading cause of death in the black community, and sadly that may not change. When you don't value your own life, you can't expect others to. When George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, blacks protested for a month or so, then went back to life as usual. The same is going to happen with this Michael Brown situation: Protests for a few weeks (or a few months at the most), followed by rioting (which has already started up), and then it's back to normal. A lot of people are saying the system failed blacks, but like a W.E.B. Du Bois quote reads: A system can't fail those it wasn't designed to protect.
I've been following the Michael Brown saga since Day 1, and looking at the WEB Du Bois quote, I'd say he was spot on. Black people have the right to demand justice, but if they don't get it, remember the quote from WEB Du Bois. I'm not saying lay down for injustice, because there's far too much of that going on and frankly, I'm tired of it. The sad thing about this rioting going on in Ferguson is that blacks played right into their hands. Law enforcement KNEW blacks were going to show their behinds so that's why they were ready. All over social media, and YouTube you can see live footage of rioting in Ferguson. Police being shot at, businesses looted, and even a female CNN reporter was hit in the head with a rock. I'm all for outrage, but people need to be smart about it. If you want to make a change, go for where it hurts: $$$. People have no choice but to feel you if you're attacking their pockets. Money makes the world go around, and if the money is affected, key people are going to take notice and start paying attention to what's going on.
In conclusion, as outraged as protesters are (and they have a right to be), remember one thing: True justice comes from God. Officer Darren Wilson is already in prison because no matter where he goes, or what he does, he will never be able to live peacefully. To me, that's far worse than being behind bars. Everywhere he goes, people are going to talk about him. "That's the guy who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson." I'm not condoning threats on Officer Wilson or his family's lives, but there are some people that aren't going to lay down.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.