Nov 23, 2012

Respecting Your Elders

I prefer hanging around elders because of the wisdom they have. Face it, young people don't know how to be serious. They think life is about having fun when that's not the case. Usually, older people are established and have stopped playing games. They don't see a need to relive their youth because in their eyes, they had all the fun they can stand so they usually settle down. Young people just don't have the life experience of older folks so that's why I gravitate towards them. Elderly people will always tell you that back in their generation, life was more simple. People actually had respect for each other. Elderly people lived through the Civil Rights Era/racial injustice, great depression, riots, etc. These young bucks couldn't last a day in old folks' generation. Don't get me wrong, there are young people that have their stuff together but that's because they were taught well. What young person you know has their stuff together that wasn't schooled well by the elders in their family? *Crickets* That's why even though I'm 32, I'm old-fashioned in my thinking and I'm not sorry for it. You can learn a lot about life from elderly people, which is why I respect them to the fullest. Ask an elderly person anything, and 9 times out of 10, they know what to say because they've been down that road I'm traveling. Many times, they know what does and doesn't work so I take their direction into consideration.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.