Jul 9, 2023

Don’t Figure Everything Out

In my case, this is easier said than done:

Repost: Glory Brown Inspiration Coach-Don’t waste your time trying to figure everything out. There are some things you’re not supposed to understand right now. We can’t see the plan of God. We can’t fathom how He does things. If you’re always trying to figure it out, it’s going to frustrate you. Instead of using that energy trying to understand what’s happening, use it to thank God that He’s working, thank Him that He’s fighting your battles, thank Him that He’s making crooked places straight, thank Him for His favor. 

We Are Not Anyone’s End All, Be All

Repost: Monica Regina Jones

Just a thought: The sooner we can realize and recognize that we are no one's end all be all, the freer and more easier we can move in our own lives. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.