Mar 13, 2013

Gay Pastors

1st Gentleman instead of 1st Lady, that's how you know we're living in the end times. The Bible says that men will become lovers of themselves and there will be unnatural affections. It's almost as ridiculous as some gays believing you can be gay & Christian. First & foremost, you can't be gay & Christian because homosexuality goes against God's original design of man & woman. I guess they are trying to attract LGBT members to their church, but this is the wrong way to go about it. I saw this and was like what the what? This is a time for the Joshua generation to rise up. When the righteous do nothing, wickedness prevails. God can't be pleased with this at all. That fire & brimstone is coming full force. This homosexual agenda is serious. It's one thing to inundate children with homosexuality, but when you taint Christianity with homosexuality, then it's a problem. God represents holiness, and I feel this is a mockery of the church as a whole. I don't hate gays, lesbians & transgendered people; they're people just like you & me, but I will never approve of that life. At the same time, I will respect them. I guess since homosexuality has become acceptable in mainstream America, more gays feel comfortable flaunting that lifestyle. I remember when gays had to hide their sexuality because some people wouldn't be too keen on same-sex relationships. This goes to show you that what was once taboo, has now become the norm.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.