Sep 21, 2016

W.B. Ward: The Builder Of Men

Published author W.B. Ward has a FB page called The Builder Of Men, where it gives valuable information on how men can better themselves. As noted, the information is common sense (he admits this himself), but from what I see, some men have forgotten what manhood so this website (The Builder Of Men) is a good place to start. It's painful to see so many broken men. Look at the millions of men who populate the criminal justice system; most of them wouldn't be locked up if they had the proper male influence coming up. What if there's no father present in a boy's life to show him how to be a man? A boy's first example of manhood comes from his father, and if there's no dad present to show him how to be a man, then there needs to be strong father figures available (uncle, coach, mentor, etc.) to show him the way. A woman can't teach a boy about manhood because she's not a man, so one shouldn't be confused by what some single moms may say otherwise. 
I've said for the longest that manhood is on the decline because some men have forgotten the proper standards of manhood. Back in the day, men didn't gossip about other men behind their backs. If a man had issue with another man, he brought his grievance to that man face-to-face. Now, dudes gossip about each other like women and they wonder why some women have no respect for some of them. Well, how can a man expect a woman to respect him if he's carrying on like a woman? She can't, and won't (as she shouldn't.) I especially enjoy the Physical Fitness aspect of W.B. Ward's Builder Of Men website because if a man's on point physically, he'll be on point in other areas of his life. This is why I dedicate myself to a consistent 4-5 day weekly fitness routine of 20 minute cardio followed by powerlifting style strength training at my gym. It's tough, but I feel great afterwards. Those who are serious about becoming better men should visit the author's website (located in the first paragraph of this blog). I've had a good foundation on manhood, but I'm all ears in seeing manhood from another man's perspective. Salute to my classmate and published author W.B. Ward.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.