Jul 23, 2013

Real Talk In 140 Characters Or Less

1. Men who say we need to heal our women, are the very ones who hurt them.
2. When a woman says she wants a man who can "handle" her, she means tolerate her disrespect, and he not check her.
3. Constant prayer for things to be alright means nothing without actually putting in WORK for it. The Bible says, faith without works is dead.
4. Making cornball moves like getting rid of Nate Robinson guarantees the Bulls will NEVER see another championship. Nate Robinson had heart.
5. Just like you can be fed God's word under the right ministry, you can be fed poison under the wrong ministry.
6. Some blacks raise hell on Trayvon Martin's behalf, but go back to shooting each other in the streets over perceived disrespect. Yes, way to go. MLK would be proud.
7. Everybody is scared to come to Florida, because of the Stand Your Ground Law. Interesting, because other states have similar laws, and people still visit those. That's fine, Florida will continue prospering with(out) a select few.
8. There can only be one chief, and one Indian. If you have two or more chiefs, each will try to push their agenda.
9. Employers complain about the lack of qualified candidates; Of course some employers are going to complain, because employees won't allow companies to lowball them.
10. I wonder if I can have my own reality show; think about it, I get paid $500,000 per episode to make a fool of myself on national TV.
11. Some women expect a man to be complete before stepping to her, but she won't help him come up.
12. Some people have a knack for selectively quoting the Bible. They quote scripture when it suits them.
13. Since when did church become a social club?
14. When a man tells the truth about a woman, he should expect deflection, and attacks on his manhood and/or sexuality.
15. When you have responsibilities, you don't have time to dream. Dreaming is what you did when you were a child.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.