Jan 7, 2015

Is She Wrong?

Question: An engaged man goes out a lot without his fiancee. She doesn't mind him going out as she has her own life & trusts him to behave. Her concern comes from him taking selfies with numerous women in compromising positions. He says he's not doing anything with these women, but the perception these pics present are over the top and this bothers her. Is she wrong for being upset?

Answer: No she's not. Respect your s/o feelings and not put her in a position where she has to defend your behavior to others. If everybody else isn't doing it, then he's probably doing too much. I'll never understand why some men feel the need to relieve their pimp days. When a man's engaged, he chose one woman to spend his life with. He saw something in her that attracted him to her, and he decided to get to know her. Now, he pulls this stunt and his woman is in a bind. People don't understand the seriousness of respecting your S/O's feelings. If he's doing this now and you're engaged, it won't stop after you are married. When people show you their true colors, believe them. She can be foolish if she wants to and ignore the signs. If he disregards her feelings now, it's going to get worse if they make it to marriage. It would be one thing if the pics were including men and women; that would make me think he was socializing, but to have just women when you have a fiance, and you aren't famous or a celebrity is just poor taste. 
Honestly Alert: In situations like this, women need to cut the ish and just say they don't like it. She may not tell him outright, but believe when they have an argument, this is going to be the first thing she brings up. Women know what they're doing. She has a right to be upset because there's no telling what he's doing with these women.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.