Aug 22, 2014

Preachers Of LA Tweets

I'm going to share some Preachers of LA tweets regarding Bishop Jones and Loretta's relationship. Here goes:

@TamiraDenaee: Ok, first Bishop Jones says Loretta was his friend, then his gf, his friend again, now his gf again? Which is it? #PreachersOfLA
@iamsharonyvette: @TamiraDenaee Too funny. Either way girlfriend is not a legally recognized title.  She has no power in that 'relationship'.
@Expensivejjewel: STOP inviting Loretta to events as if she is a First Lady & until she ups her standards! #PreachersOfLA
@ItsKevinBond: The body of Christ has a problem handling Confrontations .... Loretta is too truthful for most! I LOVE HER!!!  #PreachersOfLA
@dateandwait: Dear Loretta-  Bishop or not, he needs to commit or quit. #KeepItMoving #PreachersOfLA
@kLockitt7: They need to leave Bishop and Loretta alone.. they will move to their next level in their OWN time!! #PreachersOfLA
@JsonFredericks: Noel & Loretta are more private then Jay & Beyoncé! Problem is we all know the real #PreachersOfLA
@ATLREPPA: #PreachersOfLA So Loretta is still Bishop Noel Side Piece ? Lol she aint been upgraded yet?

This is the realest tweet out of all of these: @Mmoorejr: If Loretta Doesn't do a conference next spring for "Girlfriends In Waiting"...shes playin the game all wrong! LOL. #PreachersOfLA

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.