Sep 5, 2014

Relationship Contradictions

WOMAN A: Congratulations, girl, you done finally got yourself a good man.

WOMAN B: Oh thanks, he's great.
WOMAN A: So when you and Brian going out?
WOMAN B: Brian, oh no, I'm with another guy.
WOMAN A: Another guy?  What's his name?
WOMAN B: He's known by his peeps as "Butter".
WOMAN A: Oh, does Butter have a job?
WOMAN B: Uh, not exactly, but you usually can find him near 41st and Linbrook.

WOMAN A: OK, so he has a business there?
WOMAN B: Uh, I suppose you could call it that.
WOMAN A: What does he do?
WOMAN B: He's a hustler
WOMAN A: Whatchu mean?
WOMAN B: He sells pills, weed, and zanex.  He make a lot of money though.  He only got caught twice.  He should be OK this time.

WOMAN A: So you turned down Brian for a man who does illegal things?
WOMAN B: It's not that bad, it's not like he's hurting or killing anyone.
WOMAN A: You done fucked up, girl.
WOMAN B: You can't judge him.  Only God can do it.  Anybody can be a dope dealer, even lawyers and mechanics.

Dumb-ass women will use something that I like to refer to as "bitch logic".  They will try to justify their dumb-ass choices by making excuse, comparing them to other bad choices, guessed it, the good ole phrase of "don't judge".

The above conversation was posted in a Facebook group I'm in, and it was too good not to share. Excuse the expletives, but he's right. Some women want a contradiction for a man. He's gotta be smart, but have thug swag. He must be 6'4 with a six pack, and so on. Ladies need to make up their minds. Either you wantt this or that.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.