Sep 11, 2015

Priscilla Shirer - Speak Lord | Priscilla Shirer 2014

Until a few days ago, I didn't know about Priscilla Shirer. I didn't know she was Dr. Tony Evans daughter until I did a little research. I discovered her through the movie War Room, and that's how I discovered she has her own ministry called Going Beyond Ministries. I've listened to a few of her messages over this past week, and in the short time I've followed her, I enjoy her preaching. I look forward to listening to more of her messages on YouTube. I want to share this message with everyone.

Messages Of Substance vs. Posting Filth

Social media is good for this. All over social media, folks are comfortable posting filth but when it comes to posting messages of substance, they struggle. Why is posting filth easier than substance? Because posting sexual stuff requires no intelligence. You type freaky stuff and post, that's it. When you're posting substance, you put more thought into your writing. Your thoughts have to flow like water so your reader can follow. For those of you who are new to my blog website, let me give you a brief history: I've debuted Richard's Gospel (formerly The Chill Zone) in Jan. 2012. Richard's Gospel is my view of what's going on in life and the world. I've written 1050 blogs (and counting) covering various subjects like sports, politics & Christianity.  I've shared YouTube videos from time to time and I've posted other bloggers writing on my site. Of the 1000+ blogs I've written, not one of them have been sexually-oriented, because I don't go for that.
I think some people find it easier to post sexual stuff on social media because that's what gets folks attention. Unfortunately, sex sells so if someone's trying to get noticed on social media, post sexual tweets or FB statuses and they're instant social media stars. I'm used to posting my views on the world, so it's nothing for me to write a commentary on whatever I feel led to discuss. I could write an X-rated commentary, but that's not me. It would be awkward because I'm not used to writing about sex. I write what I'm comfortable with, and that's sports, life, Christianity, politics, and my own personal thoughts. I feel like this: It takes less time to post a freaky statement than it does to post substance. Most people are comfortable posting about sex because that's their passion. I'm passionate about real talk, so that's what I write.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.