One thing about these racial incidents involving black youth and police is that it brings out people's true colors. You have your closet racists, the ones who swear they're not prejudice & they have black friends (so they say). In the other corner, you have your no-nonsense racists, those who have shown their true colors and have the guts to stand behind what they say regardless of any backlash from their comments. The last thing America needs is more racial tension because we're trying to rebuild from Ferguson & Baltimore uprisings. Was the North Miami High Principal wrong for his view on Officer Casebolt's situation? It's like this: People are entitled to their views, even if they sound stupid. This principal should've known better because he's held to a higher standard, and unfortunately he let his mouth write a check his behind can't cash. I say this often in these kinds of discussions: There is no such thing as free speech because you will be accountable for what you say. Go out and say whatever you want, and see won't you have a lawsuit to deal with. There's a reason libel and slander are in place, to protect people from damaging speech. Miami-Dade school board did the right thing by firing the principal because who knows what his comments could've started? Here's a man who's a principal at North Miami High School, a predominantly black inner-city high school in suburban Miami. Some blacks already feel some kind of way about racism, and for the principal to make the statement he did was uncalled for. He should know better, given that race is a touchy subject for many black Americans. I hope this principal learned a valuable lesson: Anything you say, can & will be used against you.
Jun 11, 2015
Shout Out: Mark J. Cooper
These statuses were written by none other than Mark J. Cooper. These were too good NOT to post:
Shout out to those single women who want a real man to lead but the whole time nipping at his heels and being hyper-critical of his leadership.
Do you realllyyyyyyyyy think he's going to actually marry you??
Shout out to those women who feel like she's in partnership with God against all potential male suitors but selectively "forgets" that he believes in the same God she does when he's praying for protection against unscrupulous women.
Shout out to those women who can tell a man about how to be a real man but they failed in the category of womanhood.. because they're preoccupied with HOW TO BE A MAN in TODAY'S PRO- FEMINIST SOCIETY.
Shout out to those women who want a man to lead as long as he walks the path she laid.
Shout out to those women who see men on social media and they form an emotional bond unbeknownst to that man... until that female finds out he is in an unbreakable and monogamous relationship with a woman in reality..
...then that female feels he cheated on her...
Shout out to those bible thumping scripture quoting women who know every verse of the bible about the man's role but omit the scriptures that pertain to their role as women.
Shout out to those people who complain about not having anyone and the issues for why they have no one but actually don't want anyone because they just want the attention of discussing the problems.
Shout out to those who are your "friend" until the don't agree with something you've said.
And shout out to those who choose friendship with you based upon your socioeconomic status, what they think they can use you for, what they can get out of you or your percieved popularity.
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