Nov 6, 2012

Act Like A Ho, Go To Church On Sunday

Every pastor has touched on this topic in some form. No matter what church you go to, sometimes the pastor will call out wayward believers about their conduct outside the church. Pastors' favorite issue is Christians in the club. Biblically, Christians are forbidden from nightclubs because that environment arouses sinful desires (Ephesians 4:17-24, 1 Thessalonians 5:22,"Abstain from all appearance of evil."). So why do some women feel that going to church makes them a good catch? They figure since they're getting close to God, it gives them a pass to say and do whatever. I 100% agree that no one's perfect (myself included), but just because women outnumber men in church doesn't give them a pass to act loose the other 5 days. I went to a number of churches that featured women who acted & dressed like floozies but are the first ones to correct someone else about their shortcomings. If you're going to call someone out, make sure you have no skeletons in your closet. I feel that church women should be held to a higher standard than worldly women, especially if they are seeking a man who also loves God. If God sends the right man in a woman's life and he notices she's more worldly than secular women, he's turned off from her and go the other way; rightfully so. You never know who's watching so it's important for Christian women to conduct themselves accordingly. I said all that to say this: Ladies, just because you outnumber men in church doesn't make you a great catch. Hoes go to church too, especially since they need forgiveness for doing God knows what in the club Friday and Saturday Night.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.